The Art of Tunnelling

THE ART OF TUNNELLING by KA ROLY ! SZ ÉCHY v M cmber or the Hunsarian Acadcmy or Sdcnces Professar of Fo u ndation En

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M cmber or the Hunsarian Acadcmy or Sdcnces Professar of Fo u ndation Ensineering and Tunnclling at the

Teehni:al University for Civil and Communicat.iOJl Engineerjng flu:lOt)CSI

AKA DÉM I A I KI AD6 · BU b A P EST 1970



INTRODUCTIO N 1.1. Purposcs and classifìcation of tunne1s 1. 11. Traffìc tunnels . . . . . . . 11. 11 . C1assifica tion by posi tion or a1ign me n t . 11.12. Classification according to purpose 1.12. Transportation tunnels l 1.21. Hydroelectric pla nt tunnels 11.22. Water supp1y tunnels 11.23. Public utility tunnels . 11.24. Sewer tunnels 11.25. Other tun nels 1.13. Storage tunnels (garages, parking areas, shelters and sto r::houses) 1.2. A brief history of tunnel construction . . . . . . . . . . . . .

C H A P T .'E R


21 22

22 26 30 30 31 32


33 33



PRELIMINARY STUDIES ANO GENERAL D ESfGN CONSIDERATIONS 2.1. Preliminary studies . . • . . 2.1 1. Economie analysis . . . 2.12. Geological survey and exploration 21.21. Generai geological survey 21.22. Detailed geologica! site investigations prior to plan ning 21.23. Site exploration during design . . . . . . . 21.24. In situ exploration during construction . . . . . . 2. 13. Typical geologica! factors and their effect on tunnelli ng . . . 21.31. The situation and orientation of layers to be penctrated 21.32. Condition of strata to be perfor ated . . . . . . . 21.33. Stress.-strength and deformation properties of rocks 21.34. H ydrological survey . . . . . 21.35. Gases and rock temperatu res 2.14. Geologica! profile along the tunnel axis

47 47 47 52 55 60 62 63 64 64

68 70

79 84 94



2.2. Factors influencing the location of the tunnel .


2.21. Selection of the line . . . . . . . . 2.22. Selection of the lon gitudinal eJevation a.od gradients 2.23. Determination of the cross-section . . . . . . . 22.3t": 22.32. 22.33. 22.34. 22:35.

106 110 11 7

Tunnel clearance . . . . . . . . . . . lnfiuence of geologica! environ!l}ent on shape of cross-section . Infiuence of construction ·method on shape of cross-section . Infiuence of tunnel·lining on shape of cross-section . Size of the tunnel cross-section Rderences . . . . . . . . . . . .

123 124 128 128 129 132


ANALYSIS OF LOADS ON T UNNELS AND UNDERGROUND STRUCTURES . . . . 3:i . .Causes an d types of rock pressurc 3.11. 3.1·2. 3.13. 3.14.

133 133

Rock pressure due to loosening Genuine mountain pressure Swelling pressure . . . . . Factors affecting the magnitude and locallypes of rock pressure

136 148 156 157

3.2. Determi~ation of vertical rock pressures. Rock pressure theories


3.21. Estimates and approximate methods based on the extent of upbreak 3.22. Tbeories based o n theoretical stress conditions in the rock mass .

159 166

32.21. Tbeory of elasticity and estimation of stresses . . . . 32.22. Results of investigations by Fenner . . . . . . . . . 32.23. Stress conditions around circolar an d ellipticai cavities . .

1 67 . 171

3.23. Theories based on various displacement and equilibrium assumptions

. 19 I

32.31. Theories taking into account the effect of depth 32.32. · Theories neglecting the effect of depth . ' . 3.3. Determination of latera! pressu~es on timnels. . .. .

183 . 191 . !208 ·,

. 219

3.31. Approximate determination of latera! press~res . 219 3.32. Exact determination of latera! pressures ~ . .. . 221 3.33. Experimenta[ determinai:ion and in situ measurement of latera! pressur~s . 221 3.4. Bottom pressures· . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . · . . . . 3.41.. Determination of bottom pressure according to Tsimbary_evitch 3.42. Determination of bottom pressure according to Terzaghi . . 3.5. Development .and superposition of rock pressures

. . ·. . . . . .

3.51. Deyelopment of rock pressure during excavation . . . . . . . . · 3.52. Superposition and interaction of roof loads above adjacent tunnels 3.53. Loads on roek-pillars . . . . 35.31. Protodyakonov's. theory 35.32. Tsimbaryevitch's theory

. 223 . 225 . 227 . 230 . 230

. i34 . 238 . 239 . 240



3.6. Criticai treatmeot of rock pressurc theories and in si tu rock pressurc mcasurements 241 3.6 1. 3.62. 3.63. 3.64. 3.65. 3.66.

Measurements o n· the rock face . . . . Mcasurements in the interior of the rock Measurements on tunnel supports M easurcmcnt of prcssurc cha nges in comp leted linings D ctermination of prcssures by mode! tests M ain types of pressure measuring instr uments

. 243 . 245 . 246 248 255 256

3.7. VVater pressure


3.8. Livc Joads


3.81 . Internai loads 3.82. Surface loads References

262 2 63 . 263





4.1. Design loads 4.11. 4.12. 4.13. 4. l 4. 4.15.

. 26 4 . 267

Estimatcd design loads for dee p tunnels in soli d ground . Estimated design loads for shallow tunne ls in loose, saturatcd soil . Excerpts from the specifications for the design loads of the Lis bon subway Excerpts .from the spccifications for the design loads of the Budapest su bway Soviet standard specifications for the ·design of unùerground and motorway tu nnels . . . . . . . . .

4.2. Desi.ç•1 of horseshoe-shaped tunnels

4.21. Design by members

26 7 269 270 2 72 277

. 281 281

. 282 42.11. Graphic investigation (Kommerell) 42.12. Ana1ytical design by me mbers . 291 42.13. Common deformations and composite· action of the surrounding 316 ground (Davidov's method) . . . . . . . . . 4.22. Analytical design method treating the section as a whole and considering composite action of the ground . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321 42.21. Mcthod of Zurabov a nd Bougayeva . . . . . . . . 42.22. Numer!cal example of the Zurabov- Bougayeva method

. 321 326

4.3. Design of circular tunnel sections

34 l

4.31. Graphical investigation


4.32. Approximate method for thc calcl.!lation of rin g sections 43.21. Design by dividin g the section into segments 43.22. Design of a monolithic ring section 43.23. The Hewett-Johannesson method

. 342 . 342 . 343 35 6

4.33. The design of circular tunnels as sections e1astically embedded in ·thc subsoil 365 43.31. 43.32. 43.33. 43.34.

T he method of Bodrov-Gorelik T he polygonal method Bougayeva's method Davidov's method

. 365 378 396 405



43.35. Varga's development 43.36. Meissner's and Orlov's methods 4.34. Design of tunnels with do1,1ble l ining . 43.41. Soviet specifications (based on G alerkin's theory) 43.42. Design with steel plate lining (design after Mtihlhofer) 43.43. ~esign of tunnels ~ith la minated linings . . . . . . 43.44. Design o( Jaminated linings for non-radiai (external) loads 4.4. D esig_n of culverts and c6ndlfits

. 40 8 . 410 . . . . .

412 412 415 41 8 420

. 423

4.41. Design of circular c ul\